Generates CPIX according to the Anevia CPIX key exchange protocol.
API | Description |
GET api/Anevia/{id}?fixedIv={fixedIv} |
Generates CPIX according to the Anevia CPIX key exchange protocol. |
API | Description |
POST api/Broadpeak?overrideKeyIds={overrideKeyIds} |
CPIX key exchange protocol implementation for Broadpeak Packager BkS350. |
API | Description |
GET api/ContentKeys |
Returns all content keys. Only 100 content keys can be returned at a time. The following OData query options are allowed: $filter, $orderby, $select, $skip, $top. |
GET api/ContentKeys/{id} |
Returns a content key. |
POST api/ContentKeys |
Creates a new content key. |
PUT api/ContentKeys/{id} |
Updates a content key. |
DELETE api/ContentKeys/{id} |
Deletes a content key. |
API | Description |
POST api/Export/ContentKeys |
Exports requested content keys. |
POST api/Export/KeySeeds |
Exports requested key seeds. |
API | Description |
POST api/Harmonic/v2?keySeedId={keySeedId} |
The V2 implementation of the Harmonic CPIX protocol. This adds multi-key and key rotation support, and utilizes the V2 Key Override algorithm. This is the recommended endpoint to use. |
POST api/Harmonic |
The V1 implementation of the Harmonic CPIX protocol. This supports a single key per request and utilizes the V1 Key Override algorithm. Multi-key and key rotation are not supported. Using the V2 endpoint is recommended. |
API | Description |
GET api/HarmonicConfiguration |
Returns the Harmonic configuration. |
POST api/HarmonicConfiguration |
Creates or updates the Harmonic configuration. |
API | Description |
POST api/Import/ContentKeys |
Imports provided content keys. |
POST api/Import/KeySeeds |
Imports provided key seeds. |
API | Description |
GET api/KeySeeds |
Returns all key seeds. Only 100 key seeds can be returned at a time. The following OData query options are allowed: $filter, $orderby, $select, $skip, $top. |
GET api/KeySeeds/{id} |
Returns a key seed. |
POST api/KeySeeds |
Creates a new key seed. |
PUT api/KeySeeds/{id} |
Updates a key seed. |
DELETE api/KeySeeds/{id} |
Deletes a key seed. |
API | Description |
GET api/Logs |
Returns all log entries. Only 100 log entries can be returned at a time. The following OData query options are allowed: $filter, $orderby, $select, $skip, $top. |
GET api/Logs/{id} |
Returns a log entry. |
API | Description |
POST api/Speke?overrideKeyIds={overrideKeyIds}&protectionScheme={protectionScheme} |
Takes an input CPIX document and fills it based on the SPEKEv1 specification. |
Generates CPIX according to the SPEKE CPIX key exchange protocol.
API | Description |
POST api/SpekeV2?overrideKeyIds={overrideKeyIds} |
Generates CPIX according to the SPEKEv2 CPIX key exchange protocol. |
API | Description |
POST api/Titan?overrideKeyIds={overrideKeyIds}&fixedIv={fixedIv} |
CPIX key exchange protocol implementation for Titan encoder. |
API | Description |
POST api/WidevineProtectionInfo |
Returns protection info using Google's Widevine key exchange protocol. |
API | Description |
GET api/WidevineProtectionInfoConfiguration |
Returns the current WidevineProtectionInfoConfiguration. |
POST api/WidevineProtectionInfoConfiguration |
Creates a new or updates the existing WidevineProtectionInfoConfiguration. |
API | Description |
GET api/WidevineProtectionInfoCredentials/{id} |
Returns the credential with the specified ID. |
GET api/WidevineProtectionInfoCredentials |
Returns all Widevine Protection Info credentials that belong to the current tenant. |
POST api/WidevineProtectionInfoCredentials |
Creates new credentials. |
PUT api/WidevineProtectionInfoCredentials/{id} |
Updates credentials. |
DELETE api/WidevineProtectionInfoCredentials/{id} |
Deletes the credentials with the specified ID. |